What’s the theme of your 2024 going to be?

How will you use that theme to create the greatest impact?

Not sure? No worries. I’ve got you…read on!

1. Use your imagination
Sit quietly for a moment and imagine what you’d like 2024 to hold for you. Visualize the things you want to do; the people you want to be with; the places you want to go; the transformation you want to create and experience; whatever comes to mind. When you feel complete, review what you saw and pull any themes you noticed. Is there a word or phrase that stands out? If so, feel into it to determine if that resonates as your theme of the year.

2. Be Guided By Your Goals or Intentions
If you have set goals or intentions for 2024, review your list and note what will be needed in order to achieve them. For example, if you have a lot of items that you need to get started on, then ACTION might be a great theme for you.

3. Pick from a List
Search online for a list of action words or adjectives. Read each word and mark any that have energy for you. Go back over the ones you marked and eliminate any that bring forth uneasy or negative feelings. With the ones that remain, say them out loud and choose the one that makes you feel most empowered.

4. Use an Oracle Deck
It’s easiest to do this with a deck where most of the cards are single words, but you could use a more complex deck and discern what word from the card or description are a fit for you. Start by shuffling the cards to warm them up to your energy, then ask them to provide the card that contains a theme for 2024 that would benefit your growth, development and happiness (or whatever it is you’d like your theme to benefit). Repeat out loud or in your mind what you are asking as you keep shuffling until a card pops, flies or drops out.

5. Let Your Theme Choose You
Set the intention to have a fabulous theme for the year be revealed to you today then become hyperaware as you go through your day noticing words that are said, are written on buildings, billboards and signs, any words that come across your path. At the end of the day, evaluate which ones showed up multiple times, or did a word that seemed odd to see but now it feels aligned.

This year, I used #4. However, it was quite unintentional so perhaps some #5 was in play as well. Here’s how that happened:

Up until last night, I didn’t have a theme for 2024. Usually I spend my birthday weekend visioning and planning for the next year, but this year I spent the entire weekend in San Diego being pampered and treated like a Queen by my friends. It was JOYFUL! (spoiler alert)

Last night, I was pulling oracle cards for some friends to give them messages for 2024 and decided to pull one for myself. I pulled the Joy card and instantly knew JOY was going to be my theme for 2024.

2020 – 2023 had a lot of seriousness and intensity for me (and the whole world), so I’m excited to be moving into 2024 with a high vibration theme!

Take a moment to choose your theme now.

Choosing a theme is just the first step. To get value out of your theme, put the following in place:

1. Display Your Theme
Out of sight, does result in out of mind so post your theme word several places where you will see it and it’ll remind you to keep your focus on it. I ordered a carved out of wood JOY to sit on my desk. I’m going to put a JOY wall decal above my 2024 planning calendar on my office wall and one in my bathroom. I’m going to put the word JOY on my screen saver. I posted about JOY on social media today. However you do it, it’s all about keeping your theme front and center.

2. Craft Anchoring Questions
Anchoring questions are those that when asked will keep your focus in a certain place. You want your anchoring questions to help you keep your life aligned with your theme. Make them succinct and easy to remember since you will want to use them anytime you are making a decision this year. Here are mine: Does this create joy? How can I make this joyful?

3. Keep a Journal about Your Theme
Journaling is a great way to keep focus on your theme as well as track how you’ve applied your theme throughout the year. Start with sharing what your theme means to you and then daily note how that theme showed up and what you learned from it.

No matter what you choose for your theme or how you decide to leverage it, what I want for you is to experience a JOYFUL 2024!

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