This AIM episode’s mystical adventure Paul shares:

  • when an Ascended Master appeared at his bedside
  • his experience in India living with monks
  • multi-part synchronicity involving his deceased ex-wife
  • being protected on the Interstate
  • the message of the large white feather


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About the Guest:

Born out of the universe, and thrust into the physical mass called body, not knowing much, but yet everything, when the language of love radiated his every cell, Paul Sokolski, creator of Re-Design Your Inner Space, went from interior decorating homes to interior decorating hearts.

Visionary Leader, Author and Transformational Specialist, Paul brings people back home from within, and reconnects them to the freedom that remains their birthright.

Self-made since 19 years of age, Paul has been blessed to share some amazing stages with high-level coaches and work with the top 1% of the world, from Royal Family in the Middle East, Presidents, and top leading people in the personal development space.

His greatest lesson: “It’s not what you do, but rather, what you become, that creates your Legacy.” Paul believes that truly knowing yourself is your greatest gift.

IG: @Paul_Sokolski


Also hear Paul discuss his four F’s on Spiritually Architect the Future:



About the Host:

Spiritual Guide Leah Grant has had some extraordinary experiences ranging from supernatural to paranormal and interdimensional to galactic. As she was going through these adventures, she focused on serving as an Executive Coach to service-based business owners while spending her personal time delving deeper and deeper into the esoteric and mystical. In 2014, Leah began shifting her business to step into her role guiding others on their spiritual journeys. Leah is a Master Certified Coach, a Certified Master Psychic, Master Medium and Medical Intuitive. She is the Creator of Ecstatic Meditation™ and Founder of Spiritually Architect the Future–a virtual two-day immersive for participants wishing to discover the high-frequency designer within them. She is also an International multi-published best-selling author.

You can access Leah’s latest offerings, including Spiritually Architect the Future, at

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AIM Intro/Outro:

You've entered into the world of alternate realities. Here, paradigms are shifted, minds are blown, and mills are lifted. Actual supernatural experiences are brought to live through storytelling by the people who experience them. Welcome to Adventures in Mysticism with Leah Grant, where the esoteric is explored and consciousness is expanded, visit to further your spiritual development through layers, latest offerings. And now we continue with this episode's mystical adventure.

Leah Grant:

Welcome, everyone to adventures in mysticism. Today we have Paul Sokolowski with us from Florida. And he has some amazing stories he's going to share with us today. So let's dive in. So Paul, tell us just a little bit about yourself.

Paul Sokolski:

Well, first, thank you for having me. I appreciate you. Yeah, I, I created a program called redesign your inner space, and I help people come back home within themselves, and find simplicity and peace and freedom back in their lives again. And it's been a beautiful journey in doing so.

Leah Grant:

That's amazing. Fabulous. Well, it's wonderful to have you here. Thank you for being here. Yeah, absolutely. So when was the first time you had a paranormal or supernatural or kind of extraordinary experience that was, you know, not the norm?

Paul Sokolski:

Well, I was I would, I would say I was five or six years old. And I remember this so vividly. And it's, it's, you know, I don't know about you, but I don't remember a dream when I was five or six years old. Right? Even if it was a scary one, I don't remember it. So I know this was was not a dream. And I woke up. Now at the time I you know, I was my family's Italian Catholic, and I don't follow nothing against religion, I don't follow that anymore. But it was a beautiful place, I'm in time of my life. And so I, I used to pray all the time. And you know, from as young as I can remember. And I woke up, I was laying in bed, I woke up, and I just opened my eyes. And I saw this, what I would what I would say and I just brought up being Catholic, it's just because you know, that the the, the statues of Jesus Christ. And I saw this, you know, this man, it was it was it was illuminated, almost transparent. And it was at the end of my bed. And it was just like, staring at me. And, you know, he had a beard. And it was almost like a halo. It was, you know, something like you would see and, you know, in pictures and whatnot. And I remember I was just staring at it. And it was looking back at me there was no, there was no communication. I was not scared. Like, I was not scared at all, like I just completely focused on this image. And I don't remember how long it was, but it doesn't matter. And we just kind of looked at each other. And then eventually, it just went away. And I wanted to come back. So you know, I think most people most kids would be scared of you know, something like this. But for me, I was so like, I wanted to know more. I wanted this, this this image to come back. And that would that was my first of many, but my first experience that that came to me at that age.

Leah Grant:

That's beautiful. Do you feel like kind of looking back on that, that that was? You know, the Ascended Master Jesus sort of visiting you?

Paul Sokolski:

Yes. I mean, whatever, whoever it was, it was definitely an Ascended Master. And I believe that being where I am in my life today. And what has transpired in my life and in my own personal development and everything else. It was like a master visiting me, kind of like opening me up to this space. You know, I was not aware of what that even looked like, you know, until later on in my life, but I think it was just like, you know, kind of showing up saying, Hey, bro, like, we're just we're popping in here. You're gonna see more of us, but they were just kind of laying the land for you. And so, yeah, definitely, I believe it. It was everything to do with my path and where I am today for sure. 1,000%

Leah Grant:

That's fabulous. And I love how you were just curious. You know, as a child, you're like, oh, I want to know more. And I want you to come back. And, you know, I think that's the heart of children are so open to these types of experiences, sometimes more than adults are. Because the mind isn't so in the way of like, what is this here? What's happening? Did it instead it's just like, Whoa, cool. Yeah, totally. And totally. Now, I know, you said that you've had, you know, some really big, like, transformational experience experiences with the paranormal? Would you like to share one of those? Yeah,

Paul Sokolski:

actually, I'll share a medium one, and then we'll go into a big one if you choose to live up to it. So I back in around, I think I would say about 11 years ago. It's kind of where my life really changed for in a huge way, or I think the old part of me died. And this new version of myself stepped into who I am today, the man that I become today. And this trends, this transformation, I believe is happening throughout our lives. But it really came to fruition. When I went to Chennai, India, and I spent a month with monks, up in a place called the Oneness University. Some people may know that. And it wasn't through a Tony Robbins group, although Tony brought a lot of people there. And it just happened to be that when I went there, this, this group that was with me, was like five people. Normally, there's 60 People now I went to this private part of the, of this retreat area, there is a secondary school or university, they would call it, that was kind of like a much bigger and a lot more people. So I wanted to be a little bit more private, I was thinking 60 100 people, there was four people, which what does that mean? Well, we each had our own monks. And so it was like one on one most incredible experience. So I go to, to this place, not knowing anything about meditation, nothing really knowing much about spirituality. And they took us into the first day, they do, we started doing meditation. Now I never meditated before. So imagine I'm meditating all day. And within like, two hours, they they come up, and they do what's called a deep shot. And a deep shot in English is a blessing. They placed our heads on top of your head. And it was like somebody plugged me into an electrical socket, the energy that was running through me, was so incredible. And I, you know, I'm kind of like looking around like, like, you know, thinking something that they put something into tea, or, you know, something's coming out of the the air conditioning vent, I don't know, but I never experienced this before. So that night, or maybe it was a night later. They did. They brought in what they call the oneness blenders. And there was about 20 people 30 people in the room. And they brought these, they literally carried these monks in carry them because they're 24/7 in meditation. And they brought him in the room. And it was very interesting. Like, I could feel the energy like shift and I don't even know what that meant. But I felt something different. And I heard somebody they brought him in, they sat him down, these monks eyes were closed. And I heard somebody, like, clear their throat they went something like that. And out of nowhere, I start laughing. But laughing uncontrollably like I could not stop laughing and I mean, like looking at myself, you know if you remember when you're you know I cleared my throat when you remember when you're a kid you're in school and you couldn't like you're trying to stop yourself from laughing. I was laughing so hard. Trying to stop it was it was impossible. I mean, my clothes were soaking wet. And all of a sudden, behind me comes this monk and they they have a monk for a one one the sponsor for women and a one a sponsor for men because in their culture that's what they do. When this monk touched touched my shoulder to go up there, I literally in a nanosecond stopped laughing

Paul Sokolski:

like that. What is going on here? So I walked up to this one this blesser they wrap they say they feel your energy. So they this one is supposed to wrap his arms around me and started shaking and crying. And at this point in my life I was you know, just to move from New York to Miami. I had just gone through a divorce and I was just like, you know really finding myself but seven a tough time. And so I was feeling All my pain. And so they, they just stood there for a couple minutes, they brought me back to the back of the room. And they laid me on the floor. And as soon as they let me go, I lost it. I started like laughing uncontrollably again for like about 15 minutes. And so that night, I went home. I was so exhausted literally from laughing, like, it's so much energy came out of me. So I went home and I went to bed. And I woke up was the middle of the night. And I'm trying to recreate this day, because while they were doing the Deeksha this blessing, I was also seeing all at the time, I didn't know they were chakra colors, I was seeing deep purples and yellows and, and it was like they would cut like my eyes were closed, but they would come like a jellyfish, they would come in and out like this in my mind. And I was so beautiful. And so I'm trying to recreate this and I'm just laying in bed and I'm just like, Oh, this isn't working out just I'll just do it another day. And the minute that I let go. And just, I don't say gave up. But I just like stopped trying. I started seeing these these vivid colors, dark blues, and yellows and, and in golden colors. And I remember just laying there, and my toes literally started vibrating, like, like it felt like I want to say an electric shock because it was not it wasn't painful. It was beautiful. And I kept saying I'm not afraid I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. And this energy started on my feet. And was like literally encapsulating my entire DNA, like it was coming through my ankles up my, you know, my, my bottom of my legs, my knee, like and I'm just like, and I kept saying, like, I don't remember exactly, but I know I was releasing a lot of stuff. I'm like, I'm tired of suffering, I'm tired of living this way. And I was like, crying hysterically like all of this, this, this, this release was happening like this cleansing. And this, this thing took over. And it basically was from head to toe. And my body was just vibrating. And I didn't know what was happening. And, and so it lasted I don't know, maybe 10 minutes. And when I got home after this month in India, I got back to Miami and I I laid in my bed and I'm like, Okay, let me just try this. Because, you know, you know, you question stuff when you're new at this, you know, and I had the same experience, literally the same experience. And so, yeah, that was that was something that I had never, ever experienced in my life before like that. And that was really, since that. You know, since that, that time I explained when I was six years old, right? That was that was the next experience. Now there were some people that were around me that experienced something like my ex wife had experienced something with my grandmother had just passed away. But that was that wasn't she told me about it, but I wasn't actually involved in it. But this particular story that I just told you was like the second thing.

Leah Grant:

That's amazing. So you know, when you said you had your own monk? What does that mean? What did that mean? Exactly? To spend an entire month with kind of your own monk?

Paul Sokolski:

Yeah, so there, there was five there was Ashwin rock sheath, a Nanda. There was one other one. And they these guys were like the head monks of the the the school or the university. And so generally they're teaching, they're teaching all day. But because there was there was no nobody there, which was very strange to them. I was able to get my own guide. And so to ask these questions like to ask the question about, you know, what, what is what is this mean? Like, what was this energy? And they're just like, oh, yeah, yeah, that's, you know, yeah, that's, that's normal. You know, I'm like, well, it's not normal for me. Like, yeah, but, but it's like, I make sure everybody experiences that. They said, No, we don't we don't tell anybody what to experience or not what your experience is for you and for your journey. And so it was, you know, to me, it was just it was a way of like, it was almost like this vibration was like re rebooting my system, in a sense, like, like, you like taking the old, like it extracted everything that was toxic in me in my past and whatever it was, and it was like it was vibrating it out of my body. I felt like such a different person. It was something that I could feel more than I can articulate, but it's like, wow. So then to have, you know, to be guided You know, to, to have this this monk with me to ask these questions and get clarity about things that you don't normally get when you know, when you go to an event, you go to a big retreat, and there's a lot of people, you know, you're talking to people in the retreat, but you're not talking to the one that's doing, you know, that's, that knows everything. And I saw I was like, with like, these masters that was just so impressive to and I felt so appreciative and grateful for their time and their, their energy and their wisdom. It was wow, it's just incredible. It this was planned perfectly, divinely, for me at the time I was in my life.

Leah Grant:

I love that. That's beautiful. So you had this massive, huge experience, you came back, you tested it out? And then how did it change your life?

Paul Sokolski:

Yeah, I want to share that right now. I also tested one other thing really quick before I tell you this story. So when all this was going on? They said that when you're touched, and we all are when you're touched by this energy, and this will go into to the question you just asked me. It's so powerful when you realize who you are. And we're not talking who you are. In a physicality inhuman. We're talking about who you are, beyond this, this vessel, when you know that you can even stop a baby from crying that you debts 10 feet away from you, or 100 feet away from you. And so I was flying home from India. And I'm sitting up, I'm going to 7:47am on the upper deck and first class and there was only one other family that was about four, you know, seats behind me. And I just saw them walking quickly. I wasn't paying attention. But they had they were carrying a baby, but I didn't even see the baby's back was to me, I didn't see anything we get on a flight, or about an hour and a half into this flight. And this baby starts crying for like, five minutes. It's crying and crying, and I'm hearing the baby and all of a sudden the baby my head goes off. Hmm. Wait a minute, they told me that when you just energy touches you that you can even stop a baby from crying. So I closed my eyes. And I imagined this baby. And I don't know what it looked like I just imagined a baby. And I was holding the baby. And I was bouncing the baby on my knees like loving this baby. And you know, everything you would do, I've never had kids, but you know, whatever Gaga goo whatever I was doing, you know what, whatever. And this baby was started, like, in this this vision, you know, this baby was laughing and smiling. Instantly, this minute that that baby smiled in, in my vision, the baby's cry. I never, never cried for the rest of this 11 hour flight or however long it was. So to then answer your question, how did it change my life? Well, I realized that we do live in two dimensions, we live in this physical, and also the non. And I realized the importance of that. And what that realization gave me was the gift of knowing that first and foremost, I am not this mind, I'm not this body. It's a tool that I use, it's a vessel that I use to to move through life, to have experiences to be divinely connected to divine royalty, in a sense of what I want to manifest what I want to create, when you understand this conversation, maybe not logically, but understanding to a sense where the mechanisms of how it works, maybe not perfectly, we don't know. But we understand that there is there is a mechanism there is a way and when you get this, there is a gift for all and everyone. And it, it's it becomes not what you do in life, but rather who you become. And so this process of this, this, this energy running through me, this, this this awareness and to be observant of, you know me not like being I'm not this body or this mind, you know, and understanding that to a degree of what I understand or what we all understand because we don't really know who really knows, right? We I mean of course, I know 1,000,000% That there's I know that this conversation is real and these things are real right? And so that that was the biggest thing for me it was like my sustainability became not what's physical, not what's in front of me, not my zip code, not my my home or my name or my my career, any of that stuff. My Sustainability was beyond here. And those those experiences taught me. And not only did it teach me but like you said, I put it to the test. And it changed my life and it started changing the lives of people around me. Because when people get in front of me, and this sounds very egotistical when I say this, but they'll say, while your energy is so inviting, like you, like, I just want to be around you. Like it's like, the my space feels so peaceful. I'm in I'm also in decoration have been in my whole life. And I basically leave a part of me on people's walls, you know, and they feel that and so so when you own that not from a space of egotist egotism, you know, but when you own that, and knowing who you really are.

Paul Sokolski:

That's, that was huge. And that changed my life. And I could probably talk for five more days about that. But that's it. That's a generalization of what it did for me.

Leah Grant:

So I and that's, it's so great. Like, there's so much in what you said in terms of the becoming who you are, as opposed to doing things differently, necessarily. So how would you define who you became after that?

Paul Sokolski:

Yeah, so I became and I became, I have become an observer of life. From looking from the outside in so whenever any, because of course, I'm challenged all the time. Of course I am. We all are, I don't care what level you are. But I look at it in a totally different perspective, by look at it like, Okay, this is, this is just a hallucination. Like, yeah, I'm caught up in this. I'm caught up in this emotionally, yes, I'm aware of that. I'm caught up in this. It is happening, you know, at this moment, but it's just an experience. And it's, it's, it's such a, there's so much freedom there. Nothing say that I haven't suffered not to say that. It didn't take me down or hurt me or whatever. Like, the experience was challenging. Of course, like, I'm not like, setting that aside. But it's, it's, it's minimal, compared to what I really am. And I'm beyond this experience, I'm just here for that. And so this is like, this is yeah, this is something that took me a while to to, to, to practice, I guess you could say, because I don't necessarily know that any of us really understand, understand. But when I say I mean, we understand to a level, I don't know how to articulate that. But it's like, it was a practice to continue to put this to the test. For my own work, and for my own ways, in how this was affecting and upgrading me and my life.

Leah Grant:

Right. There's a spiritual teaching that I talked about where different things are true at different levels of consciousness. And so when before you've had these, like awakening experiences, this is what you have an understanding of. And then when you have this awakening experience, the mind actually can't go as open as the heart can go as open as the soul can go as open as the Spirit can go, right. So the mind has its own understanding of what happened. And then there is the experience of what happened. So there's just so many different layers of something like what you described, and what a lot of the people and guests on this podcast described. As their experience, it's difficult to articulate pieces of it, because we have no frame of reference for Yes, totally. And the physical.

Paul Sokolski:

Totally. Yeah, and that's a perfect explanation of what I'm saying. 100% Yeah, it's perfectly stated. Yes. Fantastic. No, it's It's Well, I'll let you go because I have another story that when you're ready, I can share but I wasn't sure if you're going to ask me something else. I didn't want to interrupt you.

Leah Grant:

Oh, I think we're ready tell us drumroll please stories here.

Paul Sokolski:

So I was another manifesting story. Another story but for another time, but I I manifested one of the largest most I would say the largest personal development guru in the world. And I I was able to work with him personally for a year. And Tony Robbins, I'll just say his name by beating around the bush So, so I was, you know, was in his house for probably he, I'm about an hour south of him. And anyways, I manifested that whole thing. There's a whole story behind that. But I, I called it out, I wind up like, three months later in his house like, and it's like, it's just amazing story. But to get to our story on this conversation, I was invited to business mastery as a private guest of him. And so I got to sit front row, and you know, what did he do like, whatever, but it was cool to be up there with, you know, his best friend from 18 years old, was the godfather of his kids. And like he knew Tony when he was like, before all this started, so it's funny to see their engagement and stuff. But anyways, sitting next to me, was this gentleman who I later found out he was a medium. And I never gone to a medium before. And which was interesting, because I've tried a lot of things. And to make the story a little shorter, but he lived in, he lives in West Palm. So he was about an hour and a half north of me. And we figured, hey, let's get together when we get back. And, and we'd love to do a session with you, because I've never done that before. Now, if he's hanging with Tony, and he's doing Tony's stuff, like for Tony's people, you know, he's the real deal. So I didn't know that this guy had his own show. I didn't know any of that. And so I go to his office, and I'm coaching him on his business. And you know, and he's like, Okay, let me do your session. So he has me write down on a little cue card, all the people that I wanted to connect with that have passed on. And he said, when you're done folded up, ask the question and fold the piece of paper. And when you're done, you know, call me back in the room. So I did what he said. And I put three puppy's name, I'd put my grandfather, Sam Cuccinelli, my grandmother, kay cucinelli, and my, my very first mentor, who had worked with me, and she had just passed away two years ago with lung cancer. Those are the only three people that I had on there. And so I asked my grandfather at the time I had been, I asked my grandfather, I asked, asked a question about somebody that I just met at the time, this was probably five years ago now. And it's so and I asked my grandmother a question, and I asked Holly, my mentor, you know, am I on the right path for you know, for what I'm doing in the coaching and all this stuff. And so I fold a piece of paper, if I call him back in the room. And he, he's he basically starts to tell me verbatim, what the questions that I've written down, my grandfather comes through. And my grandfather, like he's talking about this person. And he's saying her name starts with an eye who's Ileana? And then I'm like, what? This is crazy. So the, the the medium, Justin says to me, Well, this is a very interesting, he said, I have somebody who says they're not on the list. And I'm like, Okay, what does that mean? It goes, she's just forward. It's another i Who's Irene. And I'm like, Oh, my God. That is, like, my, my first wife. I was only married a year. I hadn't seen her in 20 years. She died two years before this session that I did with with Justin. She died of ovarian cancer. She was remarried. I never saw her again. So he says she's telling me that she wants you to know that she's sorry, she couldn't be the wife that she needed to be for you. I'm like, this is not so jumping ahead. Six months later, I'm looking for a new truck. And I find something on the west coast of Florida. Drive out there. There's 16 salespeople. I never talked with anybody. The woman says, Do you have a salesperson? I said, No. They put me up with somebody. We started talking, I do the deal with this guy. And when wait for the for my truck to be ready. And he says, we started talking and I said, Did you always live in Florida? He said no, I I used to live in upstate New York. I'm like, boy in upstate New York. He said, I still live in Rochester. I'm like, what, that's what I use. That's where I grew up. I lived there, Rochester too. So we're talking back and forth. And he goes to check on my truck. I looked at his business card. I look at his last name.

Paul Sokolski:

And I'm like, Wow, this name is so familiar. Where do I know this name from? And so I'm thinking and he comes back and I'm thinking all of a sudden, it hits me like a ton of bricks. And I looked at him and like, Oh my God, he's like, Well, what happened? And I'm like, Do you have a brother named Jack? And he's just staring at me like, how to freak you know, my brother. And I'm like, You're not gonna believe this. He said what I said. Your brother married my first wife who died of ovarian cancer. You're the brother in law of my ex wife that just came through a medium like six months ago. Now, how do I have 16? Salespeople? How do I get this guy? Right? Not knowing anybody, right? The brother in law of my, my ex who came through a medium, like two to two months before. So I'm driving home five hours back to Miami, like completely like wowed. Okay. A year later, I have one of my private coaching clients in. We're driving back from dinner. I'm on the express line in 95 neurons on Interstate 95. Nobody in front of me going about 75 miles an hour. And this car out of nowhere, comes spinning in front of me hits the wall, my truck starts breaking and steering by itself. This thing was like, I mean, it probably was 10 seconds, it seemed like like an hour. It's like time almost stopped. And all this was going on is like slow motion. And when this car hit the wall and bounced back into the traffic on Interstate 95. It took out like five or six cars. We I kept driving. I looked back at my client looked at me, I looked at the clock it was 1111.

Leah Grant:

Wow. And

Paul Sokolski:

never like that one scratch, not one. So I was protected, like, fully protected. And so yeah, that was that was a very powerful, very powerful experience.

Leah Grant:

Yeah, those are great. I mean, amazing things that you've experienced.

Paul Sokolski:

Yeah. Yeah. And then my last one was just two years ago in Key Biscayne, when I keep a scan is a small island, right off of Miami. It's a little private island. Was that really private, you can get on it. But it's very exclusive. And I just moved back there. And I was in the process of, you know, like, we just got into this whole thing that's going on in the world now. And I was looking for guidance to to leave, like, what do I do like? And I was I was on a walk that day, I was told in my meditation, you're going to see, this is what you need, you need to leave the islands. I'm like, what, like, I just got here? No, you need to leave the islands. And we're going to show you like, we're going to show you a large white feather. And you're going to know when you see this that it's time to go like this is serious. We need you to leave the island. I'm like, no. Okay, so whatever I like I don't even want to believe it. Right? I'm walking, talking to my mom, I'm on my walk. Because at the time the beach was closed, and walking down the sidewalk on the island. And I'm talking to my mom and I looked down and there was this. They had their white feather this big, was like two hours after I got this sentiment meditation. And I'm like, what I pick up on it, I pick up the flower, the flower, the better. And I'm like, Okay, I got it. I'm out. I'm going like I get it like I know not to defy what the universe tells you. So I don't know, the timeframe after that it may be was like a couple of weeks, it could have been a month I don't remember. I woke up in the middle of the night. And I opened my eyes and I had a whole long hallway that went to the bathroom. And I opened my eyes and there was this spirit staring at standing staring at me. Now it didn't look like the one I saw when I was six years old. It was a little heavier. He had like, like a rope tied around his his like, it was a you know, whenever they use back then I don't know, look like a rope tied around his belt. And he had a beard. And he just looked at me and I just immediately like, like, I didn't love it. But I reached because I wanted to touch it, you know? And it just went away. And I fell back to sleep. And so when I woke up the next morning, I'm like, Okay, wait, was I dreaming? Did that actually happen? Like, it was so vivid? So I asked him a meditation. Look, I you know, I need some guidance here. Like, like, was this a good spirit visiting me and like is there's a message like, like, I need help with this, you know, and I'm hearing audibly again, in my meditation. It was a good spirit. There's nothing to worry about. Like, you're being guided. And you're like you're upgrading, you know, and but we're going to show you because we know your question at times, and we're going to show you like we always do that this is real. And so you know, you think I think not I don't wanna say you but me sometimes. In the past I would think well, it's just I'm just talking to myself. So it's just me like talking to my like you laying in bed thinking oh, I got to do this today. I got to do that today. Right. So like we're gonna say wasn't feathers didn't hear feathers I didn't hear, you know, 1111 or, you know, anything else that I would normally say, then we're going to show you something. That's something really different. You're going to see a dolphin today. I live on the beach. And of course, there's dolphins in the ocean. But usually, mainly, we'll see them more than the intercoastal. I've never seen a dolphin in years on the beach ever. So I'm like, wow, this is a real, this will be a real challenge for me. So I'm on the beach, just shot a live meditation live on the beach. I'm finishing and I'm going through the community that was on there. Somebody new was on the list. I never saw them before. So I went to her Facebook page. And I scrolled like, down like three frames, and there's dolphins jumping out of the water. And I'm like, Yeah, okay, that there you go.

Leah Grant:

I love here's what I love about that is that we in our mind, think it's gonna be a certain way, right? So you're thinking, Well, I live near a beach, they're going to be out in the ocean when I'm out on the beach, right? And then instead, they show them to you in a picture. And it's it's just that reminder that like, we're going to give you what we tell you. But it's not necessarily going to look like what you think it's going to look like.

Paul Sokolski:

Right? Yeah, like you would think like audibly heard today, meditation again audibly. Like, we're going to show you what you always say. Right? So I'm thinking 1111 on my phone, which I always get. And I'm driving back to the office here to have this with you. And it's a lot of traffic, I look over and there's a truck and the last four numbers are 1111 There you go. And it's like all the time. So I don't question anymore. I think I think I don't I just know that. That that it's it's real. And to me, it's it's it's just beautiful. Like it I feel so loved and protected. It's amazing.

Leah Grant:

Yeah, that's a beautiful place, I think to start bringing us to a close is that, you know that all of these adventures are for our growth and our learning and and to really allow us to know that we're not alone. Yes, alone. So given all of the stuff that you have going on in the other realms, what are you focused on now? In your, in your personal space or your business?

Paul Sokolski:

Yes, well, personal space I am. I have my date with the universe every night, which is like rock solid time for me. And yeah, I in my in my business, redesign your innerspace has really taken off for me. We I'm finishing a book, which I downloaded from the universe, the four apps, which is on foundation, faith, frequency, and forgiveness, and how those all those four F's tie into every core of us. And I just asked the universe to simplify what it was that I know and to be able to explain to people in an easier way. And so yeah, I'm just wrapping that book up. And we have been running a meditation group called daily dose of clarity. It's for women only. And we were doing it five days a week, we did it for six weeks. And now it's now moved to redesign your inner space, we do two calls a month. And it's just a beautiful place for women to for community, we're just building a community and its system is many beautiful things that are happening there. But it's really around the inner space clearing energy centers, inner child stuff, you know, higher, higher self and a lot of a lot of inner work stuff. And you have a retreat, also that we're doing. Coming up next month, April. We can retreat here with the women that are in daily dose of clarity that are coming into the retreat. So it's just really cool stuff. And I'm really excited about the way it's all unfolding.

Leah Grant:

That sounds beautiful and you shared quite a bit more about your four F's on spiritually architect the future last weekend where you were a guest and the replay weekend for that if you all missed it is coming up for just 48 hours. You can watch everything for free this weekend and the information on that will be in the show notes. And if you happen to be listening to this podcast after the April 2 and third replay weekend, it is also available for purchase on recording. And the information for that will be in the show notes as well. So we will also have information on how to get directly in touch with Paul down below in your show notes also. So Paul, thank you so much for being with us here. It was a pleasure to hear your stories and to really just be in your space.

Paul Sokolski:

And such a pleasure. And thank you again for having me and was a pleasure to share.

Leah Grant:

Wonderful, and thank you to all of the listeners for tuning in. We appreciate your time and your energy contributing to the continuation of this podcast. Have a beautiful evening