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The 2025 Community Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude
Leah’s Contributions:
Sage is Sage
Snowstorm Scare
My first contribution Sage Is Sage is on January 15.
My second contribution won a place in book as one of the best Halloween gratitude stories. It’s called Snowstorm Scare and can be found in October.
Joining my stories are 363 other inspiring entries to bring some gratitude into every day of 2025.
Leah as an Author
Leah is a multi-published author in the spiritual, self-help and service-based business genres. She strives to inspire and educate in her writing. Many of the publications she has been a contributor to have reached International best-seller status.
Currently, Leah is writing a book called Adventures in Mysticism. It chronicles the stories shared on her podcast of the same name.

Coming Soon
Leah’s debut solo non-fiction book contains:
- All her great podcast stories — over 50 of them!
- Some additional steamy details too risque for the podcast
- The story of when Leah received an exorcism
- And more
Collaborative Self-Help Books
Featuring Leah’s Writing
Leah’s Contribution:
Money Isn’t Evil – Charge What You Are Worth
Filled with inspiring stories and real-life examples from top thought leaders, this book contains:
- Tips to achieve a variety of goals
- Stories of how women have achieved trailblazing lives
- The SECRETS behind successful results
- AND messages to empower your week or to set the mood for your day!
Leah’s Contribution:
S.O.U.L Business Initiation
Soul Biz is intended to support and inspire people to live and work more effectively and more soulfully. It contains over 100 stories – a perfect blend of practical tips and heartfelt wisdom from soulful business owners who are able to share their insight, suggestions, and advice to those either just starting out our those looking to be inspired.
365 Days of Gratitude: 2021
Leah’s Contributions:
Cowboy-Boot-Wearing Teacher
The Moment
Editor Donna Kozik brings together a variety of contributors for this collection of thought-of-the-day essays brimming with appreciation and showing that the power of gratitude can be a life-changing force. Leah vulnerably shares heart-felt learnings from two family events in her essays.
365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance At The Right Time
Leah’s Contribution:
Divinely Guided to Sin City
This compilation book contains 365 true stories (from over 250 contributing authors) of experiences ranging from the miraculous to the mundane, from the spiritual to the secular, from the subtle and nuanced to the dramatic and impossible to miss. Leah reveals what messages drove her to move to Las Vegas.
365 Ways to Connect with Your Soul
Leah’s Contribution:
The Experience of Ecstatic Meditation™
In this book, Leah joins over 200 beautiful souls — including bestselling authors Jodi Chapman, Dan Teck, Arielle Ford, Peggy McColl, Christy Whitman, and Carol Tuttle — who share how they connect with their soul with the hopes that it will help you connect with yours as well.
The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude – 2014 Edition
Leah’s Contribution:
Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude is brimming over with appreciation and inside you will find evidence that the power of gratitude can be a life-changing force. These stories are about more than the polite “thank you” we so casually exchange every day. They’re testimonials to the people and things we so often take for granted.
The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude – 2013 Edition
Leah’s Contribution:
Sacred Synchronicities
People from all walks of life join together in this collection of essays–one for every day of the year–about the things, people, circumstances, and events they’re grateful for. In this book you will find evidence that harnessing the power of gratitude can be a life-changing force.
Smart Women Live Their Why: How Women Entrepreneurs Are Living on Purpose and in Passion
Leah’s Chapter:
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
(Published as Caitlenn T. Ainnsley)
Leah joins fifty-six other successful female entrepreneurs sharing their insights. Over 450 pages (57 chapters) of how-to information, inspiration and empowerment for your life and career from six and seven figure women from all over the world!
101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Volume 2
Leah’s Contribution:
The Secret Hidden in Your Favorite Pastime
You will get 101 quick, simple and — most importantly — proven success secrets from the top experts in the world and gain access to the greatest treasures of all time – the gold nuggets of success. Leah joins Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Jack Canfield, John Gray, Bob Proctor, Alan Cohen, plus many other leading experts in this great compilation.
Defining Moments: A Gathering of Women’s Journeys
Leah’s Contribution:
Defining Moment
In every person’s life, be it man or woman, there are defining moments. Over a period of a lifetime, there are typically many defining moments. A defining moment is not necessarily a good one as it can relate to realizing that you just made the biggest mistake of your life. As you read the stories in this book from many amazing women, you will soon discover how they reached their defining moments, the turning point, the moment of truth, or their point of no return!
Breaking Through: Getting Past the Stuck Parts in Your Life
Leah’s Contribution:
Multiple Tips
We all need a little help when we’re feeling stuck. The more than 60 stories in Breaking Through; Getting Past the Stuck Points In Your Life, will help you get unstuck and back on the road to your success. If your goals are set, but you find yourself stuck, Breaking Through will put new ideas, tips, exercises, mediations and processes in your toolbox. Leah joins contributors: Barbara Stanny, author of Secrets of Six-Figure Women and Overcoming Underearning; Marcia Wieder, America’s Dream Coach; Lois Frankel, author of Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office; Olivia Mellan, author of Money Harmony; Ginita Wall and Candace Bahr, co-founders of Women’s Institute of Financial Education.