The Longest 18 Inches: How to Get Out of Your Head and into Your Heart


See what I’ve been creating since my move to Sin City by exploring my site. You can get my Energy-Efficiency Hack, grab a free meditation, or download some inspirational memes. Thank you for visiting!

Meet Leah

Leah is an entrepreneur, the creator of Ecstatic Meditation™, and a Consciousness Catalyst. She approaches her role strategically and intentionally by considering who her clients are being in their life and business, what actions they are taking, and the results they are getting, in order to structure solid foundations. Through her powerful intuition, she is able to identify both her client’s potential and the source of their limitations. She assists them in growing themselves personally and spiritually, developing their leadership qualities, creating dynamic team structures, integrating effective communication skills, and increasing profitability. While Leah is a Master Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation, the work she does with clients is way beyond coaching. She is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner, a Certified NeuroLinguistic Programming Practitioner, a Certified Master Psychic, and a Certified Full Circle Model Facilitator.  Leah is committed to her clients experiencing breakthroughs in both consciousness and business.

A Soulful Addition to Your Library for 2020

Have you ever received a sign from the universe, and start getting Love NotesHave you ever received a sign from the universe, a piece of divine guidance, or a seemingly commonplace message that helped you steer your life in a better direction?  365 Soulful Messages: The Right Guidance at the Right Time contains 365 true stories (from over 250 contributing authors) of such experiences – ranging from the miraculous to the mundane, from the spiritual to the secular, from the subtle and nuanced to the dramatic and impossible to miss. You can use this resource for once-a-day inspiration, or flip to any page and find a true-life story that will provide inspiration, insight, and encouragement to reflect upon the messages you’ve received in your life…and to be on the lookout for more!